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newBookmarkLockedFalling Activity Check #2
Arianna Calanthe 9 277 by Larke DeTome
Aug 12, 2008 14:44:55 GMT -5
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newBookmarkLockedFalling UPDATE: New boards
Arianna Calanthe 0 199 by Arianna Calanthe
Jul 21, 2008 5:36:26 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Paying My Respects [Open]
Deklan O'farer 3 173 by Cory McQuiggin
Sept 2, 2008 8:08:34 GMT -5


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The Aaeesha is most famously known for bringing the death to the two lovers Zaira and Payden. In a most cruel twist of irony Aaeesha stands for ‘life’. Before the death, the River was quite an ordinary place, a tiny trickle in the summer, frozen solid in winter, flowing quietly in the autumn and a raging torrent in the spring as the snows from the mountains flowed into it. But after the death, the river is now considered a sacred place, most say that the spirits of the two lovers live in the water, and any lovers who bathe together in the river will be bound together in love forever. Many people come and pray to the spirits of Zaira and Payden, often you will come to the River and small offerings of food and rose petals will be scattered along the shore.

Surrounding the river Aaeesha is thick, dense forest which is hard to penetrate, so a rough path was cut through it, but be warned, leaving the path would surely mean death. The forest is long and the trees all look similar, wild beasts such as lions and bears roam the woods looking for their next meals.
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